The cause of the problem is: HTTPD Error 666 : BOFH was here
Yes, it’s the BOFH quiz
The Bastard wants to know: do you know your Computing Personalities?
Neues vom Bastard Operator of Hell
So the PFY’s been showing off to a couple of the more attractive young ladies in the new employees induction course, and I have to admit that he’s doing well. So well in fact that I have a twinge of remorse about locking his swipe card out of the cafeteria…
BOFH and the government contract
„I still don’t see why this should affect myself and the PFY,“ I blurt as the boss hands over a lengthy questionaire. „I’ve told you already, it’s something to do with a contract that we’re signing – some defence department thing.“ „A defence department thing?“ the PFY burbles cheerily. „Does…
Ja ich bin wohl doch auch ein BOFH, aber es macht Spaß Leute verzweifeln zu lassen nur weil man es nicht zeitig hinbekommt seinen Netzwerkkassenbeitrag zu zahlen. Naja in naher Zukunft wird diese Problem wohl der Vergangenheit angehören wenn wir den Verein gegründet haben und das ganze via Lastschrift gemacht…
BOFH makes a hardware call
So I’m making a hardware call about a dud disk which can only mean one thing: I’m going to be annoyed. I start up a game of Age of Empires in the assurance that I will have taken over the world with my water powered nuclear generators by the time…
Neues vom Bastard Operator of Hell
BOFH and the Auditor
Neues vom Bastard Operator of Hell
BOFH beats the Boss So the Boss has finally tipped a little too much of the overproofed rum on his cereal in the morning and has become a liability. Well, when I say „become a liability“, I ACTUALLY mean „become MORE of a liability“. Well, when I say „MORE of…
BOFH and The Boss’s Porn
Bastard Operator From Hell 2003, Episode 9: So I’m wandering past The Boss’s office one day, when I notice that tell-tale puzzled-yet-vaguely-interested-but- revolted expression on his face which that can only mean one thing. Hard Core Porn. Improvising, I grab a sheet of paper from his PA’s desk and barge…
BOFH and The Conference
Bastard Operator From Hell 2003, Episode 14: So The PFY and I have been shafted by The Boss who’s signed us up to a one-day „conference“ in the city which is so airy-fairy it should really just be called a trade show.
Neues vom Bastard Operator of Hell
BOFH and The Engineer » Picture if you will a computer room, late at night… Late, late at night… Almost morning, in fact…. All lights – bar several system status indication lamps – are off…..«
Das Fass schwappt langsam über und dann werde ich echt zum BOFH. Dieses Wochenende habe ich ca. 273 SPAM-Mails bekommen. Hallo Spammer, macht es euch eigentlich Spaß das Netz so zu verschmutzen und die Bandbreite mancher User so zu strapazieren? Okay, mit der 11Mbit Funkstandleitung haben ich das Problem, das…
BOFH cops a virus
Bastard Operator From Hell 2003, Episode 9: Ah Mornings! BOFH cops a virus. There’s nothing like a leisurely cup of coffee, feet up on the table, enjoying the morning news. Well ? reading people’s email ? but same difference […]
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