Jack Holborn

Jack Holborn is 13-year-old orphan in the 1800’s that wants to get a job on a sailship to avoid foster homes. He is hired by Captain Sharingham, and they set sail. Jack was found on the steps of the Holborn catholic church in London, when he was a baby. He was wearing a leather arm band with the name „Jack“ on it. The nuns therefore called him Jack Holborn. At the sight of Jack’s arm band, the captain reveals that the band looks familiar, but he won’t tell Jack what he knows. The captain is now reluctant to keep him. Jack is desperately seeking answers, and is not about to let the Captain off the hook. The Captain also has a twin brother who works as a judge. The two brothers hate each other, mostly because of the captain’s piracy side business. Jack sneaks onboard the Captain’s ship „Charming Molly“, and the journey begins. A journey that consists of piracy, traveling through swamps, and slavery in Bombay. Jack will find his answers, but the road there is long.

Evtl. ist einigen diese Serie noch bekannt. Sie lief Mitte der 80er im ZDF. Jack Holborn wurde von Patrick Bach gespielt. Habe die Serie damals sehr gerne gesehen und evtl. gibts ja irgendwo im Netz die Folgen zum download.

0 Gedanken zu „Jack Holborn

  1. Darkworld

    Es gibt die Folgen Im Emule und Torrent.
    Ich habe mir vor kurzem die DVD über die Schweiz bestellt.
    Wenn man die Serie wirklich mag/mochte lohnt sich das.

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